Edale CE Primary School

Ofsted Visit

Lots of positive comments from the Ofsted inspector today. Well done to staff and governors, especially Mrs Lees, for all their hard work. His full report will be sent to us and put online in 10-15 working days.


This was a monitoring visit only. Schools have 2 years from being put into 'special measures' before they are formally inspected again. During this time there can be anything up to termly monitoring visits by Ofsted. The later monitoring visits can be converted to an inspection if the school is deemed to have made sufficient progress, and at that point the school is taken out of 'special measures'. So schools can come out of 'special measures' before the 2 years is up if they respond effectively.


This was our first Ofsted monitoring visit and so we do not expect to be taken out of 'special measures' at this point, but are hopeful that all our work will be recognised and the school deemed to be effective in its response so far to the judgement in February.


Fingers crossed!
