Remember, if you are worried about bullying speak to someone you trust like your mum, dad or a teacher.
If you don’t want to do that you can always call Childline on 0800 11 11 or visit
Bullying is aggressive behaviour that is intended to hurt, intimidate or persecute another individual emotionally or physically and usually repeated over time.
Bullying takes many forms and may be motivated by prejudice against distinct groups because of their:
Bullying may also be motivated by actual or perceived differences such as ability, appearance, weight or because they are in care.
Bulling is repeated and deliberate, hurtful behaviour.
Click on the link below for a flow chart that can help you work out if what you are experiencing is bullying and how to deal with it.
Are you a young person who's suffering at the hands of bullies? Or maybe you're witnessing others being bullied? Either way there are ways around it. Click on the link below for our anti- bullying tips.
Keeping a record about the bullying you’ve experienced can be really helpful when you are talking to your teacher or another adult about how to sort it out.
You can print off a diary below.