Our School Vision: The Way Starts Here
Valuing each child as an individual
Enjoying and achieving together
Cherishing community and environment
Our Values: Each child has only one chance at Primary Education. At Edale Church of England Primary School we aim to fulfil the social and intellectual potential of every child, while stimulating and broadening their individual talents and relationships. See also 'About Edale C of E Primary School' - http://www.edale.derbyshire.sch.uk/about-edale-c-of-e-primary-school/
Our Aims: In our school we encourage everyone to:
Be Effective communicators and value views and opinions of others
Develop trust, tolerance and respect towards others
Appreciate, respect and value the multicultural nature of our society
Laugh at our own mistakes and learn from them
Develop enquiring minds, the spirit of curiosity and creativity
Promote Christian values
Enjoy school and life and be happy and healthy