Our class teachers take responsibility for providing a well- balanced broadly based curriculum, in accordance with national requirements.
We follow the subject guidance of the National Curriculum which includes the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, and the foundation subjects of History, Geography, Computing, Art, Physical Education, Music and Religious Education.
Learning is enhanced through educational visits, participation in workshops, class discussions and project work.
Within all areas of the curriculum, work is thoughtfully matched to meet the intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional differences of our children
The curriculum is reviewed and developed on an ongoing basis to ensure it fully engages the children and allows them to perform at their best.
Religious Education (R.E)
The school has close links to our local church and being a church school, R.E plays an important role. Collective worship is central to the life of the school. The Vicar is a regular visitor in school and leads assemblies. We also recognise other faiths and explore these across other subjects in our curriculum.
Teacher assessment is an on-going process throughout a child’s school life. Teachers wil monitor your child’s progress and you will be kept intouch formally at parents evenings and via the annual written report.
The Teacher assessments provide the basis for the teachers planning to ensure that childrens’ needs are met. The class teacher and head teacher will jointly discuss every child’s progress on a termly basis to ensure at least expected progress is made and to identify any areas for increased focus. Every child’s progress is tracked through the school and parents are encouraged to follow their child’s progress using their individual tracker, which is provided at parents evening.